Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Extended Bio (from week 1):
I'm a 2nd trimester AIMC part-time student... and part-time self-employed hairdresser and single mom of a hilarious 5.5 yr old boy, Jasper. My background is in art, but I've always been interested in alternative medicine and holistic healing modalities. I studied for a while at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley before deciding that I'd need to go deeper.  I have a bachelor's degree from Smith College (majored in studio art and French- did a lot of printmaking and photography). Cities I've lived in:  Madison, Wisconsin (hometown), Northampton and Boston, Mass., Paris and Aix en Provence, France, Tucson, Az., and San Francisco and Berkeley. Berkeley feels like home to me now, but I miss the smell of real autumn.

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